The Population Abundance and Associated Geographic and Demographic Factors of the Dengue Vectors, Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus in Dallas County, TX, USA




Stahl, Matthew S.


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Stahl, Matthew S., The Population Abundance and Associated Geographic and Demographic factors of the Dengue Vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Dallas County, TX. Master of Public Health (Environmental Health), May 2007, 40 pp., 7 figures, 2 tables, bibliography, 72 titles. The risk for dengue outbreak was assessed in North Central Texas in 2006 in response to increased case numbers in Texas and Mexican states in 2005. Data were collected from 54 sites in Dallas County, TX using oviposition traps and estimates from U.S. Census and Sourcebook America databases. Higher vegetation and shade displayed more Aedes species; standing water also showed more Aedes albopictus. Lower home values and lower incomes corresponded to more Aedes aegypti; lower household density displayed more Aedes albopictus. Other socio-economic and demographic factors did not have significant association with abundance. The methodology of this study may serve as a model for assessment of dengue vector abundance in other regions.

