Evaluation of a Novel Multiplex Ministr System for Analysis of Degraded and Low Copy DNA Samples




Orcutt, Joseph L.


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Orcutt, Joseph L., Evaluation of a Novel Multiplex MiniSTR System for Analysis of Degraded and Low Copy DNA Samples. Masters of Science (Forensic Genetics), May, 2006, 78 pp., 25 tables, 14 figures, bibliography, 20 titles. The goal was to evaluate the performance of a novel miniSTR multiplex system for the analysis of degraded and low quantity DNA samples. Three studies were designed to evaluate this new miniSTR kit: 1. A concordance study to insure that the profiles generated are identical to those with currently used STR kits; 2. A dilution study to identify the sensitivity limits of the multiplex system, and 3. The ability to generate profiles from DNA isolated from skeletal remains which had previously given incomplete profiles using conventional STR kits. The results indicate that the Applied Biosystems new miniSTR multiplex system will provide a valuable tool for forensic scientists to obtain genetic data from challenging casework samples.

