A Bone and Buccal Sensitivity Study Comparison and Stability Study using the PowerPlex[R] Fusion 6C System




McDaniel, Ethan L.


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A validation study, a bone sensitivity study and a stability study were performed using the PowerPlex[R] Fusion 6C System. These studies were performed on a 7500 Real-Time PCR System, 9700 GeneAmp Thermocycler and 3500xL Genetic Analyzer. Buccal DNA was used to develop a method to analyze the DNA profiles gathered during the bone sensitivity study and stability study. DNA profiles for specific concentrations of DNA in solution were obtained during the bone sensitivity study. The stability study showed profiles exhibiting the effects of metal PCR inhibitors being introduced to the DNA extract solutions. Full profiles were obtained for calcium concentrations less than 7.35 mM, while the instrument was fully inhibited for copper concentrations between 0mM and 7.35 mM. Based on the limited data, the PowerPlex Fusion 6C System cannot tolerate copper when present in DNA solutions; whereas, calcium may be tolerated as an inhibitor up to 7.35mM.

