Prevalence of Hand, Finger, and Wrist Musculoskeletal Problems in Keyboard Instrumentalists: The University of North Text Musician Health Survey
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Pak, Chong H., Prevalence of Hand, Finger, and Wrist Musculoskeletal Problems in Keyboard Instrumentalists: the University of North Texas Musician Health Survey. Master of Public Health, May, 2000, 52 pp., 7 tables, references, 69 titles. Data were derived from the University of North Texas Musician Health Survey, involving keyboard instrumentalists. 455 keyboard instrumentalists were selected and musician type, daily playing time, gender, and age were examined as possible risk factors for musculoskeletal problems of the hand, finger, and wrist. Age was found to be a significant risk factor when all levels of pain were considered. Gender was found to be a significant risk factor for all levels of pain as well as severe pain. Musician type and daily playing time did not show statistical differences.