2019-08-222019-08-222008-12-012014-05-01https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12503/29175Bittenbinder, Emelia Noele., The Role of Patient Education in the Patient’s Familiarity and Understanding of Treatment. Master of Science (Clinical Research Management), December 2008 78pp, 10 illustrations, reference list, 19 titles. Purpose: Demonstrate patient education as a viable option for improving patient adherence. Hypothesis: Patients information about their treatments. This knowledge about specific study treatments allows the patient to be more familiar with administering treatment, thus leading to greater treatment adherence. Design: A presentation over the absorption and distribution of a sublingual medication and the importance of taking this medication properly for the subject to view. After viewing the presentation, the subject completed a short subjective survey. A survey regarding the subject’s adherence was completed by the study coordinator. Results: The subject and study coordinator provided positive feedback and despite the lack of participants, this protocol was shown as a feasible method of patient education.application/pdfenClinical EpidemiologyCommunity Health and Preventive MedicineCurriculum and Social InquiryEducationEducational MethodsEducational PsychologyHealth Services ResearchInvestigative TechniquesMedical EducationMedicine and Health SciencesOther EducationOther Educational Administration and SupervisionPublic HealthPublic Health Education and PromotionTranslational Medical ResearchPatient educationfamiliaritytreatmentunderstandingadherencesublingual medicationsubjective surveyprotocolThe Role of Patient Education in the Patient's Familiarity and Understanding of TreatmentProfessional Report