Jones, Harlan P.2021-05-132021-05-132020-05, Geordi, Building Resilience with Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (HRVB): A Randomized Controlled Trial of HRVB to Reduce Emotional Exhaustion/Burnout in Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit Providers. Master of Science in Clinical Research Management, November, 2019, 89 pp., 12 figures, 14 tables, journal entries, references, # titles. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare perceived emotional exhaustion (assessed through MBI, CD-RISC, PSS, and PHQ-2) between two subject cohorts who received interventions designed to reduce emotional exhaustion through utilization of a Heart rate Variability Biofeedback device, its partner app, and paired technique. We sought to evaluate the effectiveness of HRVB as a means to reduce emotional exhaustion as experienced by emergency and trauma care providers in a single-site, hospital setting (ED and ICU). HYPOTHESIS: The daily use of the HeartMath® HRVB device, Inner Balance application, and Quick Coherence technique over a 4-week period decreases emotional exhaustion in emergency and critical care providers. DESIGN: Providers (RN, PA, NP, MD/DO) working in Baylor University Medical Center's emergency department and intensive-care units participated in a 10-week study, consisting of a 4-week randomized control trial followed by a transition week and additional 5-week study "crossover" extension. RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS: Without the sample size to achieve the desired power of this study, no statistically significant conclusions can be drawn at this time. As of the writing of this thesis, the study is still ongoing, and, thus, new participant data may be included as a result of their completion of the RCT portion.application/pdfenbiofeedbackburnoutHRVBprovidersresiliencestressBiofeedback, PsychologyBurnout, PsychologicalResilience, PsychologicalBuilding resilience with heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB): a randomized controlled trial of HRVB to reduce emotional exhaustion/burnout in emergency department and intensive care unit providersThesis