2019-08-222019-08-222015-032015-02-12https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12503/26477Research Appreciation Day Award Winner - 2015 Russ Jenkins Memorial Research Award - Surgery DepartmentResearch Appreciation Day Award Winner - 2015 Medical Student Government Association - Best in 4th YearNerve compressions are common clinical presentations. In this case study, the ability for nerve hydrodissection, a non-surgical technique for the release of a compressed nerve, is established. This patient had a compression of the suprascapular nerve in the posterior shoulder. The patient failed traditional non-operative therapies such as physical therapy and corticosteroid injections prior to this procedure. Immediately after the procedure, the patient noticed a significant decrease in pain with an increase in ROM, and was able to complete physical therapy to maintain a pain free ROM. Therefore, this case study demonstrates that nerve hydrodissection can be a viable non-surgical option for compressed nerves refractory to traditional options.enNerve Hydrodissection for Impingement of the Suprascapular Nerveposter