Felini, Martha2019-08-222019-08-222009-05-012009-06-17https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12503/26513Survival of Hodgkin Lymphoma has been enhanced through advances in treatment practices and knowledge of the disease. The inception of the WHO/REAL disease classification system for Hodgkin Lymphoma allows researchers to gain a greater understanding into the differing relative survival probabilities associated with this unique cancer. This study performed a survival analysis to understand the effects of age-at-diagnosis and gender on WHO/REAL subtypes of Hodgkin Lymphoma among the SEER population, 1975-2005. Five-year relative survival differed by Hodgkin Lymphoma subtype by both age-at-diagnosis and gender, when race/ethnicity was controlled for.application/pdfensurvival analysisHodgkin LymphomaSurvival Analysis of Hodgkin Lymphoma by Age-at-Diagnosis and Gender based on WHO/REAL Disease Classification, Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Data, 1975-2005Thesis