2019-08-222019-08-222015-032015-03-05https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12503/26488Purpose: In this report we review the clinical features of African tick bite fever (ATBF) and compare them to domestic rickettsial infections. Methods: Information and records were obtained on a 70 year old female diagnosed with ATBF who initially presented with febrile illness, eschars and a history of recent travel to South Africa. She had been misdiagnosed with a staphylococcus infection and treated with Bactrim prior to presentation. Review of the literature was also conducted to research the presentation of rickettsial spotted fever group (RSFG) infections. Results: Clinical features and history lead to the diagnosis of ATBF and administration of appropriate treatment with doxycycline. Conclusion: African tick bite fever is an acute febrile illness commonly seen in travelers to sub-Saharan Africa and the West Indies. It is a mild illness characterized by fever, lymphadenopathy and multiple eschars. Physicians should consider the diagnosis of ATBF in febrile patients and skin lesions in the appropriate epidemiologic setting.enAfrican Tick-Bite Fever: A Case Reportposter