Singh, Karan2019-08-222019-08-222006-08-012013-05-16 D. Patil, HIV Related Risk Behaviors: A Comparative Study of Urban, Suburban, and Rural U.S. Adolescents. Masters of Public Health (Biostatistics), August 2006, 120 pp., 29 tables, References, 209 titles. This explorative study YRBS 2003 data provides the prevalence of HIV-related risky sexual behaviors and predictors of such behaviors across gender, race/ethnicity, and metro status (N=15, 214) during 2003. Overall, more urban male adolescents engaged in health-compromising behaviors. A significant association was found between gender, race/ethnicity, and metro status and sexual behaviors and associated risk behaviors such as alcohol, drug use, and mental health indicators. These associated risk behaviors were not only associated among themselves and with sexual behaviors variables but also turned out to be responsible predictor variables for HIV related sexual risk behaviors. Minority groups especially black adolescents were at higher risk of contracting HIV infection as having multiple sexual partners was highest (8 fold) among black adolescents compared to mixed & other race, and Hispanic adolescents. Suburban adolescents were nearly two times more likely that rural and urban adolescents to having multiple partners. Results indicated that younger the age more the involvement in sexual and other risky behaviors.application/pdfenBehavior and Behavior MechanismsGender and SexualityInequality and StratificationMedicine and Health SciencesPlace and EnvironmentPublic HealthSubstance Abuse and AddictionVirus Diseasesrisky sexual behaviorHIVminority groupsmetro statusHIV Related Risk Behaviors: A Comparitive Study of Urban, Suburban, and Rural U.S. AdolescentsThesis