Esbayhat, LeanneGraham, DylanRuggiano, AprilHartos, Jessica2019-08-222019-08-222019-03-052018-12-05 Sleep duration and weight status have been found to be related in prior studies in healthy populations; however, there are conflicting findings and limited research for young adults with asthma. The purpose of this study was to determine whether sleep duration is related to weight status in young adults with asthma. Methods. This cross-sectional analysis used 2016 data from the BRFSS for males (N=116) and females (N=212) ages 18-34 years with asthma in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, and Maine. The relationship between sleep duration and weight status was assessed by gender with combined state data using multiple logistic regression analysis while controlling for mental and physical health, physical activity, alcohol and tobacco use, ethnicity, age, income level, educational level, employment status, and state. Results. Across states, the majority of male and female participants with asthma reported being overweight or obese (57-59%) and a relatively low amount reported averaging more than 8 hours of sleep (7-11%). The results of adjusted analysis indicated that male participants who averaged more than 8 hours of sleep per night were less likely to be overweight or obese compared to those who averaged 6-8 hours per night. Weight status was not related to sleep in females. Conclusions. After assessing the relationship between sleep duration and weight status in young adults with asthma, results indicated that males who slept more than 8 hours per night were less likely to be overweight or obese. Primary care clinicians might expect to find a moderate prevalence of obesity and a low prevalence of a sleep duration of more than 8 hours in males and females with asthma. If young adult males with asthma have symptoms of either obesity or short sleep duration, providers should screen for both and provide education and treatment. There was no significant relationship in females.enIs Sleep Duration Related to Weight Status in Young Adults With Asthma?poster