Marshall, Muriel2019-08-222019-08-222001-05-012013-05-17, Michael F., Line-of-Duty Injury or Illness Incidence in an Air National Guard Unit. Master of Public Health, DO/MPH track, May 2001, 31 p.p., 3 tables, 4 illustrations, reference list, addendum. Line-of-duty injuries or illnesses (LODs) suffered by members of Air National Guard units may demonstrate the status of unit safety, unit readiness and deployability, a potentially significant area of unit expenditures, and areas of needed health promotion. This descriptive pilot study was conducted at the unit commander’s request to determine an apparent doubling of the prevailing incidence of LODs over a recent quarterly period. Tracking of injuries and injured individuals was problematic. The vast majority of LODs were musculoskeletal in nature. Decreased fitness level (Identified as elevated body mass index (BMI)) among males and increased age were related to increased LODs. Recommendations were given to improve tracking, identify individuals at increased risk, provide pre-training assessment, and institute health promotion focused on musculoskeletal injuries.application/pdfenHealth CommunicationMedicine and Health SciencesMilitary and Veterans StudiesMusculoskeletal DiseasesMusculoskeletal SystemOccupational Health and Industrial HygieneOccupational TherapyPublic HealthPublic Health Education and PromotionRehabilitation and TherapyLine of duty injuriesAir National Guardhealth promotionmusculoskeletalrisk factorsfitness levelsLine-of-Duty Injury or Illness Incidence in an Air National Guard UnitProfessional Report