Coggin, Claudia S.2019-08-222019-08-222000-08-012013-05-17 order to get the most benefit out of limited resources, public health departments must examine the costs and benefits of their activities to determine the most cost-effective method to allocate these scarce resources. The use of economic analysis can inform and help clarify upon which decisions are to be made. (CDC, 1996). The resources used to produce most goods and services in society are efficiently allocated through markets. However, markets can fail to efficiently provide goods and services that largely benefit individuals other than the consumer. The types of goods and services that public health departments provide often fall into that category. Cost-benefit analysis is one type of economic decision-making tool used when market forces are not in control Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) places a dollar value on the costs and benefits of each outcome so they can be compared. This type of economic analysis can then be taken one step further. An incremental or marginal analysis can determine changes in the relative costs and benefits’ resulting from increase or decreases in the amount of resources used in a program. Such an analysis should be part of the decision making process, so that scarce resources can be used efficiently. This paper examines not only the costs and benefits of the measles immunization program in Texas but also, the expansion of the program in the 1990’s. The most significant changes in Texas’ immunization program took place in 1994 as a result of the measles outbreak of 1989-1990. The years 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1996 were chosen for this analysis because of the difference in immunization rates, incidence rates and the level of State funding. This time period represents the most dramatic changes to these three areas. Since the measles vaccination was put into use in 1963, the number of measles cases in the United States has decreased dramatically. An average of 450 measles-associated deaths was reported each year between 1953 and 1963. (TDH, unpublished). Widespread use of the vaccine has led to a 95% reduction in measles compared with the pre-vaccine era. (TDH, unpublished). However, during 1989-1990, the number of measles cases and deaths rose sharply. During 1989, more than 18,000 cases and 41 deaths were reported. The largest number of reported cases since 1978 and the largest number of deaths in two decades in the U.S. (National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 1991). The major cause of the epidemic of 1989 and 1990 was a low vaccination rate among preschool children. (TDH, unpublished). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates national measles vaccine coverage for 2-year-olds in 1985 was 61%, compared with 82% in 1991 and 1992. (CDC, 1994). The CDC has set a goal of 90% of 2-year-olds to be immunized against measles, mumps and rubella. Texas reported 11% of all measles cases in the U.S. between 1989 and 1990, although it only accounted for 7% of the total U.S. population (Schulte et al. 1996). This is likely due to the fact that immunization rates were low throughout the state. In 1989, only 66% of the children in Dallas and 58% in Houston were estimated to be immunized against polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps, and rubella by the age of two. Nationally, immunization rates were estimated to be 70% at the same time (Schulte et al., 1996). This paper will proceed as follows. Two benefit/cost studies will be outlined in the background section. These studies compare the total benefits and costs of current vaccination programs to no vaccination program. Then a history of Texas’ measles vaccination program will be discussed. It will explain how the measles outbreak of 1989-1990 brought about organizational and financial changes to the immunization program within the Texas Department of Health (TDH). In the method section, the disease costs and costs associated with a vaccination program are used to calculate a benefit/cost ratio. The changes in immunization rates and the associated marginal costs and benefits are then compared. The results of the CBA and marginal analysis indicate that the benefit to cost (B/C) ratios range from 17 to 30:1. After reaching an immunization rate of about 81%, marginal benefits become smaller and smaller while the cost of increasing the immunization rate rises. Finally, the results will be discussed and conclusions made as to the efficiency of Texas’ measles vaccination program. There is some evidence that the CDC’s goal to immunize 90% of 2-year-old children for measles may not the most efficient goal for Texas.application/pdfenCommunity Health and Preventive MedicineHealth PolicyImmunology and Infectious DiseaseImmunology of Infectious DiseaseImmunopathologyLife SciencesPublic Affairs, Public Policy and Public AdministrationPublic HealthImmunization programmingeconomicsstate fundingmeasles vaccinationThe Centers for Disease Control and Preventioncost-benefit analysisTexas’ measles vaccination programAn Economic Analysis of Texas' Measles Vaccination Program: 1990-1996Professional Report