A Study to Determine Improved Compliance of Biophosphonate Treatment in Subjects with Osteoporosis




Enard, April T.


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Enard, April T. A Study to Determine Improved Compliance of Bisphosphonate Treatment in Subjects with Osteoporosis. Master of Science, February 11, 2005. The ability of patients to adhere to treatment regimens is very poor and continues to impede optimal therapy of osteoporosis. The shortcomings in treating osteoporosis are: a) noncompliance and/or lack of continued persistence of therapy, b) efficacy of therapy on bone turnover marker levels and fracture prevalence, and c) tolerability of therapy to patients. Studies have shown that interventions such as education and awareness of bone mineral density promote patient usage compliance. The slightest improvement in compliance allows further understanding of accurate efficacy of medication therapy to fractures, bone marker levels, and overall improvement of bone mass. Increased compliance/persistence allows accurate comparison of bisphosphonates to one another for effectiveness on osteoporosis patients and allows improvement opportunity in treatment modalities that can positively influence the course of osteoporosis. This phase IV study targets compliancy/persistence in bisphosphonate therapy in treatment of osteoporosis.

