Child Nutrition and Hygiene Practices Related to Dental Caries in Preschool Children




Sterba, Jennifer A.


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Sterba R.D.H., B.S., Jennifer A. Child Nutrition and Hygiene Practices Related to Dental Caries in Pre-School Children. Master of Public Health (Community Health), August 2006, 50 pp., bibliography, 22 titles. Dental caries is a significant public health issue among low income children. Head start is a child developmental program that provides education and health services for low income families. One hundred and thirty seven children, age’s three to six, and their parents/guardians enrolled in four sites at Head Start Greater Dallas, Inc. participated in this study. Fifty-three percent of all children had evidence of early childhood caries. In this study, parents/guardians reported adequate nutrition and hygiene practices of their child’s oral health, but children still show a high incidence of caries. Therefore, preventive educational services provided by a dental professional would be beneficial to the Head Start families to improve children’s oral health.

