Investigating Associations Between Asthma and Nasal Abnormalities: A Computed Tomography (CT) Approach




McCullough, Jason "Drew"
Cho, Elizabeth
Ward, Lyndee


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Purpose: Asthma affects over 300 million people worldwide and 3,500 people suffer asthma related deaths each year. Although there is no clear cause of asthma, approximately 90% of asthmatics suffer from cold/exercise induced bronchoconstriction, a symptom triggered by the inhalation of cold and/or dry air. As the nasal passages account for most of the heat and moisture transferred to inspired air during respiration, anatomical variation in nasal morphology may contribute to asthma development. While the existence of nasal anatomical variants is well documented, little is known about the prevalence of such variants among asthmatics. Methods: Accordingly, this study sought to investigate potential associations between asthma and three common nasal anatomical variants: septal deviations, concha bullosa, and paradoxical turbinate. This study analyzed Computer Topography (CT) scans of a diverse, mixed sex sample (n=242) from the New Mexico Decedent Image Database (NMDID). The asthmatic individuals (n= 120) were identified through associated medical records and compared to a control sample of non-asthmatics (n = 122). CT scans were analyzed using Avizo permitting qualitative coding of each anatomical variant for presence and type. Chi-square tests of independence were then used to test for differences in variant prevalence between the asthmatic and control samples. Results: The results of our study show significantly higher prevalence of concha bullosa in asthmatics compared to control individuals (χ2= 5.87, p=0.015), with 70.0% asthmatics exhibiting at least one pneumatized turbinate compared to only 54.9% of control individuals. Conclusions: This result suggests a potential relationship between the presence of conchae bullosa and asthma, possibly due to this variant negatively influencing intranasal air-conditioning capabilities. Future work employing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses may be able to further elucidate the influence concha bullosa have on nasal passage air flow and conditioning. Such work could provide important insights into the role nasal anatomy may play in asthma prevalence and severity. This project was supported by Texas Center for Health Disparities grants RF00241 & RI40241




