Delivering Caregiver Education to Dementia Family Caregivers in the Primary Care Setting




Thompson, Sadie
Hadley, Lesca
Daley, Rebecca


0000-0001-7565-2992 (Thompson, Sadie)

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Study Objective The purpose of this study is to determine whether dementia caregiver education can be distributed at clinic visits in the primary care setting. Family caregivers of those with dementia report being significantly more stressed when compared to non-dementia caregivers.2 Negatively impacted health outcomes for family members increase the total burden of dementia on the health care system. This study aims to equip dementia caregivers with resources that help them cope with caregiver-associated stress. Methods This study took place in a rural primary care setting over a five-week period. Educational brochures were designed to provide family caregivers with coping strategies, communication strategies, and support group information. Family caregivers were identified upon their accompaniment of a patient with dementia to their appointment. Results During this period seven patients with an established history of dementia attended routine appointments accompanied by a family caregiver. Caregivers of all seven patients received an educational brochure and were counseled on the contents of the brochure for at least five minutes. At the point of enhancement, caregivers expressed gratitude at the acknowledgment of the burden of caregiving and the receipt of the educational materials. Conclusions and Limitations The results of this study support the ability of primary care providers to increase the education of dementia caregivers at regular office visits. Limitations to this study include the ability of family caregivers to attend appointments with dementia patients and patient identification of family caregivers. Further studies should be done to evaluate dementia caregiver stress before and after receiving education on caregiving. References: 1. Caregiving for Family and Friends - A Public Health Issue. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Published July 30, 2019. Accessed July 16, 2021. 2. Cheng ST. Dementia Caregiver Burden: a Research Update and Critical Analysis. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2017; 19(9). doi: 10.1007/s11920-017-0818-2





