An Analysis of Texas Hospitals: Assessing the Association between Charity Care, Uncompensated Care, & Community Benefits




Mitias, Marcus J.


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Mitias, Marcus J. An Analysis of Texas Hospitals: Assessing the Association between Charity Care, Uncompensated Care, & Community Benefits. Master of Public Health (Health Management & Policy), May 2007, 47 pp., 5 tables, 11 illustrations, references, 45 titles. The question of whether not-for-profit hospitals are meeting their charitable obligations is once again starting to intensify. Congress is calling for increased scrutiny of not-for-profit hospitals. Similarly, pressure is mounting in Texas where the not-for-profit hospital sector struggles to justify the contributions they make to the community. This cross-sectional study examines the county level association between charity care, uncompensated care expenditures, and community benefits, and hospital structure, and the number of uninsured. Descriptive and multi-linear regression analyses are used to compare hospital charity care and uncompensated care expenditures in Texas. Results indicate the number of uninsured is significantly associated with charity care expenditures and uncompensated care expenditures.



Clinical and Medical Social Work, Community Health, Community Health and Preventive Medicine, Health and Medical Administration, Health Economics, Health Services Administration, Health Services Research, Inequality and Stratification, Medicine and Health, Medicine and Health Sciences, Other Public Health, Public Economics, Public Health, Public Health and Community Nursing, Social Influence and Political Communication, Social Welfare, Texas Hospitals, charity care, uncompensated care, community benefits, uninsured


