The Relationship of Healthcare Access to Routine Check-Ups in Males and Females Ages 18 to 24




Gentry, Ashley
Thomas, Shelby
Hartos, Jessica
Gardner, Rachel
Ryan, Taylor
Fender, Mason


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Purpose: Routine check-ups are fundamental to preventative healthcare; however there have been conflicting findings regarding the relationship between healthcare access and routine checkup utilization, especially by gender. The purpose of this study is to assess whether healthcare access is related to routine check-ups in males and females ages 18-24. Methods: This cross-sectional analysis utilized 2017 data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System across 5 states. Using multiple logistic regression by state, we assessed the relationship between healthcare access and routine checkups and gender after controlling socioeconomic, demographic, health related factors. Results: Across states, up to 2/3 of males and females reported having a routine check-up in the past year and about 2/3 of males and females reported having public or private health insurance. Cost did not preclude seeing a doctor in the past year for most males and females. Adjusted analysis across states showed that health insurance and cost were significantly related to routine check-ups for females, but not males. Conclusions: Our results indicated that routine check-ups are significantly related to healthcare cost and plan for young adult females, but not males. These study findings may be generalized to young adults in primary care. Up to 1/3 of young adults do not receive a routine checkup annually, therefore, it is important to educate young adult males on the importance of preventative care throughout life. We also recommend providers be conscious of cost when treating young adult female patients for routine check-ups.




