The Dose Dependent Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Cardiovascular Disease and Its Risk Facotrs-A Systematic Review




Bhamidimarri, Kalyan Ram


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Bhamidimarri, Kalyan R; The Dose Dependent Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Cardiovascular Disease and Its Risk Factors-A Systematic Review. Master of Public Health (Biostatistics), December 2007, 41 pp; 2 tables, 3 illustrations, bibliography, 60 titles. Effects of alcohol on cardiovascular health are varied and conflicting. Moderate alcohol drinking has been shown to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease by having a direct influence on vascular and haemostatic factors or indirectly by influencing atherosclerosis, cholesterol and insulin resistance. Studies about effects of alcohol on cardiovascular diseases and its risk factors published through 1995 to 2007 were searched in different databases and those meeting eligibility criteria were analyzed. Thirty one studies were reviewed and data analyzed to verify dose dependent effects of alcohol. Although several factors account for different effects of alcohol, moderate consumption of alcohol amounting to less than one drink or 14 grams per day is protective for cardiovascular disease possibly due to its impact on the risk factors. Randomized controlled studies which can be done in this regard might clearly suggest a dose dependent effect of alcohol on cardiovascular and overall survival.



