Multiplex of INDELs for Human Identification Markers




Sturm, Sarah
Sage, Kelly
Thompson, Lindsey
Wiley, Rachel
King, Jonathan
LaRue, Bobby


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Forensic laboratories commonly use short tandem repeat (STR) loci when comparing an evidentiary profile to that of a reference profile. In commercially available STR kits, the amplified products tend to range from 100- 500 base pairs (bp). For genomic DNA of degraded biological samples, the fragments are usually broken into product sizes of 180-200bps or less. Therefore, degraded biological samples may not produce a full STR profile. Another viable option has been proposed to enable successful typing of some degraded DNA samples. Insertion/ deletion (INDEL) polymorphisms are intergenic regions of the genome in which amplified products can be smaller in length than most STRs. Since forensic genotyping relies on comparison of an evidentiary sample DNA profile with that of a reference sample DNA profile, which usually come from suspects or victims, using highly discriminating markers is desirable. A multiplex panel of human identification (HID) INDEL markers that can individualize people would be beneficial. This project will test the hypothesis that INDELs, which can be used to identify individuals with high discriminatory power, can be developed as a multiplex PCR approach. In testing this hypothesis, primers were designed and multiplexed together to amplify specific INDELs that have been previously identified to be suitable for human identity testing purposes.




