Health care provider recommendations for exercise in Mexican American elders with type two diabetes mellitus




Hernandez, Arlene
Triana, Maria
Robinson, Shontia


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Abstract: Purpose: Mexican Americans (MA) are more likely to have risk factors for developing Type Two Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) than Non-Hispanic Whites. They are also reported to have some of the lowest levels of physical activity in the United States. Exercise lowers blood sugar levels and recommending specific exercises that are tailored to patients can become a more effective form of blood glucose control. This study aims to examine the relationship between healthcare provider recommendations on T2DM management for MA patients. Methods: The data was collected from 196 MA with T2DM from a community-based epidemiological study of aging. The healthcare provider recommendations were assessed using the Summary of Diabetes Self-Diabetes Care Activities Questionnaire (SDSCA). This questionnaire examines participant's diabetes and self-care. Descriptive statistics were used to describe what health care providers recommend for exercise. Results: The demographic characteristics were an age of T2DM onset (M=52, SD=10.2), fasting glucose (M=155, SD=62), average Hemoglobin A1C (M=7.99, SD 1.8). 87 percent of participants stated their providers recommended to maintain low levels of exercise. While 68.9 percent of participants endorsed that their health care team advised 20 minutes of daily exercise at least three times a week. 67.3 percent of participants said their providers recommended daily exercise. In contrast, only 31.1 percent were given specific instructions about the type, duration, and level of exercise. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that providers give general recommendations but not tailored ones about exercises to help manage participant's T2DM. The results show participants endorse low levels of exercise, but those levels are not enough. Findings support integrated recommendations from health care teams that reinforce specific information so patients can exercise enough to prevent the sequelae of diabetes.





