Cultural Diversity: Health Disparities in Tarrant County, TX




Melville, Evan
Hallak, Erika
Cushen, Spencer
Larrabee, Rachel
Severson, Samantha


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The objective of our research was to evaluate health disparities among minority groups due to social behaviors, ability to receive care, and socioeconomic factors, within Tarrant County, Texas. Research on health distributions was conducted online through local and national government websites as well as through the Center for Disease control. Data then was extrapolated and analyzed by our team. No additional materials were utilized. Health disparities are more often noted in racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic minority population groups. Risk factors for health disparities include behaviors, access to care, and socioeconomic factors. At 28.1% representation, Hispanics make up the largest ethnic minority group in Tarrant County. It is noted that Hispanics are at greater risk for DM2, obesity, and hypertension. Through the use of various Fort Worth community resource websites, a list of resources was compiled. The significance of our project was three fold: provide a list of community resources that deal with health disparities for the use of in-training healthcare professionals, to demonstrate to in-training healthcare professionals the ease at which a list like this can be developed, and to bring attention to the resources available in Tarrant county.




