Preliminary Trial of a Survey Instrument to Detect Outcomes of Curriculum Reform in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine




von Lindeman, Alexa


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Von Lindeman, Alexa. Preliminary Trial of as Survey Instrument to Detect Outcomes of Curriculum Reform in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. Master of Science (Clinical Research and Education), May 2004; 28 pp; 5 tables; 3 figures; references 17 titles. Purpose: To assess whether the attending physicians at the University of North Texas Health Science Center—Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine would perceive an increased student interest in osteopathy as well as show a personal increased interest in osteopathic principles and practice following a 2001 OMM curricular reform. Study Design: Surveys were mailed at the beginning and end of the 2002-2003 academic year. Responses were matched for pre-post comparisons. Results: Factor analysis identified 13 factors. ANOVA analysis did not achieve statistical significances between pre and post groups. Although regression analysis identified three factors that achieved statistical significance (p≤05), these were attributed to variables such as residency type, medical school and type of practice. Conclusion: The survey instrument was effective in detecting variables that influenced beliefs and practice. Future larger scale studies are needed to confirm the trends in the data.



