The Validation of Applied Biosystems Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification Kit and Quantifiler Y Human Male DNA Quantification Kit for the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory
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Levandowsky, Elizabeth C., The Validation of Applied Biosystems Quantifiler™ Human DNA Quantification Kit and Quantifier™ Y Human Male DNA Identification Kit for the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory. Master of Science (Forensic Genetics), July 2004. 14 tables, 6 figures, references, 12 titles. To produce the most accurate and reliable results, forensic laboratories, such as AFDIL, must examine new technologies in the field of DNA analysis. The present study is the beginning of an internal validation of the most recent development in DNA quantitation, RT-PCR. The Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification Kit and Quantifiler Y Human Male DNA Identification Kit are RT-PCR assays that quantitate human and male DNA, and detect PCR inhibitors which may hinder the ability to produce a reliable STR profile. Sensitivity and non-probative case sample studies were performed according to the DAB guidelines. The Quantifiler kits were not as sensitive as had been previously reported by Applied Biosystems. The non-probative case sample study demonstrated results two fold greater than results from the Taqman® Alu-PCR Quantitation System, a RT-PCR assay developed and validated at AFDIL. At this time, it appears it may be in the best interest of AFDIL to continue its use of the Taqman® Alu-PCR Quantitation System.